In this hauntingly vibrant documentary about controversial junkie goddess and Velvet Underground singer Nico, documentary filmmaker Susanne Ofteringer masterfully collects the puzzling pieces and presents them as an intriguing portrait of a complicated icon. Featuring candid interviews from those who knew the model/actress/singer best and using powerful footage from the Bohemian Andy Warhol scene for added effect along with many of Nico’s songs, this documentary is quite a find. Angering, staggering and magical like Nico herself, you long to look for the truth just below the beautiful surface and while you’re sure that nobody (including Nico) really knew whom the woman born Christa Paffgen was, Ofteringer’s film aids in solving the mystery. Although in the end, we realize: whom are we really kidding? Like many legends, the mystery is what makes them so damn fascinating to begin with.