In this joyous and sun-drenched Italian chick flick, thirty-year-old Stefania-- still reeling from a bad breakup-- grudgingly agrees to chaperone her scheming niece Meggy on a spontaneous vacation to the Greek Isle of Love. Meggy, worldly and precocious on the cusp of fifteen explores the island looking for her first fling while her aunt acts twice her age, staying out of the sun and binging on chocolate—together the two girls balance each other out, carrying on conversations filled with hilarious and authentic dialogue that makes the characters sound like an Italian version of the Gilmore Girls. Ginger and Cinnamon is a funny, wise film—a chick flick of the highest quality and co-screenwriter/star Stefania Montorsi (wife of director Luchetti) gives a winning performance. Fun and spirited-- men will enjoy this vacation of cinematic voyeurism just as much as the ladies.