After looking over your feedback, I recently transformed three old pages of Film Intuition into user friendly databases in order to update the site even faster and provide a much wider range of coverage.
While the look and feel of the bulk of the site remains the same, three of the most popular destinations (after this Review Database, which draws in the most traffic) have been revamped into blog format.
Now the videos you love from the screening room won't vanish as I present a whole new look to that page in our Video Screening Room, trailer posts will soon arrive complete with posters, cast details and official site links in our new Trailer Gallery, and those who have been following my forays into other genres like music criticism can discover it on the all new Jen's P.O.V. site.
So stay tuned, explore the three new "databases," enjoy the video features, and above all thanks for your readership and support. Keep those ideas coming-- the site wouldn't exist without you and if you'd like to help keep everything running smoothly, feel free to donate anonymously (whether it's $1 or $10) via our new Amazon Honor System Page.
Some Highlights:
-- Laugh along with Will Ferrell and Kevin Kline in the Screening Room
-- Watch the new trailer for Joe Wright's The Soloist
-- See new character posters from The Spirit
-- Watch videos and explore the new albums from Amy MacDonald, Julianne Hough, and Ernie Halter
-- Read a Review of Richard Russo's newest novel, Bridge of Sighs
-- Watch the new trailer and see a gorgeous Flickr photo gallery from Summit Entertainment's upcoming film, The Brothers Bloom.