Click here for the Viewer's Guide to Kieslowski's Three Colors
Also new to the site, I've completely updated my Jen's P.O.V. page. Frequently, I'm asked why I don't have a My Space page or am a member of Facebook or any of the dozens of other social networking sites online. While I'm flattered and would love to add all my readers as "friends," frankly, I don't have enough time to constantly update that many pages and sites.
In order to answer questions I'm often asked, I decided to add a few new features to the page such as a Play List of Songs currently in heavy rotation on my iPod (45, of course, for those of us who remember 45s), what I'm currently reading, a shout out to my favorite basketball player Kevin Garnett, as well as links to some of my non-film related creative writing that's readily available on the web. Click Here to Check it Out
Feel free to explore and if you have any other random questions, let me know via the feedback form.
Anyway, take a look around, enjoy the changes and stay tuned for new features.
- Jen