Still, now looking over everything, I'm eager to begin making Film Intuition far easier to navigate so soon you'll be able to jump directly from one film review to another to discover a movie I referenced or explore a much wider range of labels to locate every "Foreign Film" I've written about (which will be further broken down by country) or even every film featuring your favorite celebrity.
Considering all of your valuable feedback and learning as I go since admittedly I'm so technologically behind that it takes me 10 minutes to send a text message (note to friends-- just call me instead!), I've begun this lengthy process today so I hope you will bear with me as I continue working to bring you a much more user and film buff friendly site where you'll never need to ask for directions to find exactly the type of film information for which you're looking. Be forewarned, though-- with this amount of data-- it may be weeks to get all of the links and labels set up!
Also new to the site is a Bookmark/Share/Add This widget on the upper right hand side so you can feel free to make a bookmark, save something, let a friend know about any of the reviews featured on any page or-- if you're one of the trendy "social networking site" members-- take advantage of an easier interface that hooks right into your pages.
Again, as always, I appreciate the loyalty-- thanks for your support as I'm constantly amazed by a genuinely global readership, not to mention continuing to climb in IMDb's critical rankings, opposite the tried and true "established press." It's more than a freelance film buff could have hoped for in a million years and I promise to continue improving the site to bring you an increasingly awesome experience. You're truly inspiring me to grow as a writer every day so thank you.
- Jen