In the first season of FX's irreverent and imaginative new series Archer
Revolving around the show's titular secret agent man whose suave appearance can't hide the fact that he's a buffoon, most episodes center on the daring (and frequently disastrous) missions undertaken by its cast of characters who all work for a hush-hush agency called ISIS.
And although we fear the naughty novelty evidenced during the one-note pilot dreamed up by creator Adam Reed will overstay its welcome -- given its SNL sketch style presentation that blends the style of Mad Men
Set in an indeterminate time period that relishes in the look of '60s jet-setting spy adventures, the technology of today and a passion for over the top action movie sequences straight out of the '80s, Archer boasts a great vocal cast including Emmy nominee H. Jon Benjamin, Friends
Essentially, the bastard son of fictitious characters including 007 and George Bluth, Archer
Likewise, part of the reason it works so well is because Reed understands that spoof shows grow just as old as family sitcoms so he's concocted a perfect “blendship” of the two. Specifically, Archer
Using the distinct character types they embodied on Development
With more on-the-job couplings than an average season of Grey's Anatomy
While it's obviously not for all tastes, honestly Archer
Moreover, Archer
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