Haunted by the trauma of the taking and losing of lives as a young Israeli man thrust into wartime to serve as a tank gunner at the 1982 start of the first Lebanon war, it took over twenty-five years for director Samuel Maoz to write the first intensely personal draft of what would become his viscerally supercharged work, Lebanon
Throughout Maoz's Venice and Toronto Film Festival award-winning opus, the writer/director challenges our expectations with his brave decision to avoid traditional plot structure altogether.
Rather than simply offering us a melodramatic interpretation of what he'd encountered as a wide-eyed, naive soldier pushed into the position of firing on anything that moved on the opposite end of his weapon's scope, Maoz's Lebanon
Fittingly, he forces us to see the events he encountered from his point-of-view using a literal, bold approach to keep us frightened, filthy and on emotionally edge by setting the entire film inside the claustrophobic tank.
And watching Lebanon
For even though they look indestructible and untouchable from the outside, we soon learn that the Israeli tank is as capable of ending the life it finds outside its doors as it is of destroying the lives inside the steel vehicle, if any number of very possible catastrophes should occur during the course of the film's ninety-three minute running time.
Admittedly shorter by contemporary standards and noticeably so for a war picture, the movie's length is nonetheless ideal for Lebanon
And admirably, the perfect justification Lebanon
Namely, even though the picture remains the same, things just don't look so simple anymore and the fact that viewers can feel even a small fraction of the emotional response that haunted Maoz for twenty-five years makes Lebanon
While venturing into foreign lands along with a handful of complicated, inevitably mismatched, adrenaline-fueled personalities captured in tight close-ups to reaffirm the close quarters, we encounter a hardened, experienced “loader” and our temporarily innocent gunner (Maoz's alter-ego) struggling to survive along with the rest.
Yet regardless of the fact that it comes from a real place, because stylistically Lebanon
Nonetheless, Maoz's powerful, ambitious and compelling Lebanon
However, shockingly and despite receiving a 100% positive Top Critics rating on Rotten Tomatoes, Lebanon
For instead of watching Maoz's work as an overall antiwar movie similar to the way that many U.S. viewers on all sides of the political spectrum have done to appreciate films like The Hurt Locker
Nonetheless, despite Israel's disapproval of the content as well as their failure neither to submit Lebanon
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FTC Disclosure: Per standard professional practice, I received a review copy of this title in order to evaluate it for my readers, which had no impact whatsoever on whether or not it received a favorable or unfavorable critique.