Tripling the opening weekend take of ensemble player Matt Dillon's thematically similar heist movie Armored
Helmed by Sundance Film Festival award-winner John Luessenhop, Takers makes the most out of its pitch-perfect title by taking advantage of all of the movies from its genre that had come before it.
Although the filmmaker cites Michael Mann's masterful Heat
Admittedly because the source material is so familiar and because Luessenhop's playing with a deck of cards we've nearly memorized by this point since we've seen countless variations of the basic “one big score” motif of an ensemble heist picture that lets us ride along with the good guys as well as the bad in a nearly equal timeshare, there's not a lot about Takers
Nonetheless, Luessenhop aces the formula magnificently thanks largely in part to a tremendously diverse group of actors, headed up by Idris Elba on the side of the villains and Matt Dillon holding court of the thin blue line of the law in a refreshing bit of against-type casting.
All-around and weak scripting or dubious plot maneuvering aside, the impressive players infuse even the most cliched and/or least sketched out roles with a stunning combination of charm and complexity to ensure that there's no weak link in this overall chain of memorable, fascinating Takers
Crisply transferred to an audibly and visibly razor sharp Blu-ray, Takers
However, Luessenhop's passion for presentation heavily distracts us via excessive glamor shots of the robbers pieced together in hip hop music video style montage that temporarily pulls us out of the flow of Takers
The transition from an in-control stylish genre film to what appears to be a male version of a Vogue pictorial makes it seem as though the work already in progress had somehow flipped channels, somehow morphing into a series of ads for high-priced booze, luxury cars, designer menswear or lusty bling.
Yet to his immense credit, time and time again, Luessenhop's audacious sequences of either the crime, the chase, or the collision of characters from opposite sides of the law keep us riveted from start to finish.
While The Town
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FTC Disclosure: Per standard professional practice, I received a review copy of this title in order to evaluate it for my readers, which had no impact whatsoever on whether or not it received a favorable or unfavorable critique.