First famous for his editing contributions to Easy Rider, actor/editor turned writer/director Henry Jaglom has dedicated several of his cinematic creations in the last dozen years to exploring the many issues surrounding women in contemporary society. In his latest film, co-written by and starring his wife Victoria Foyt, Jaglom uncovers the obsession and catharsis (as well as the problems) of women’s devotion to shopping. Part docudrama, part-fiction, Foyt stars as Holly Gilmore, a dress-designer who finds out that Holly G’s, the store she’s run for ten years will be closing within a few days after her money-manager boyfriend mishandles her finances. Set during the economically busy weekend of Mother’s Day, Gilmore uses those three days to desperately try to come up with back rent, pay for more merchandise and deal with not only the dissolution of her relationship (as well as a chance encounter with attractive stranger Rob Morrow) but the lives and loves of the other women in her life including her well-intentioned but misguided mother and teenage daughter (Mae Whitman). Whether she’s trying to secure a loan shark, lure a new business partner or resolve the many personal crises that arise, Gilmore tries to keep everything together as director/editor Jaglom intercuts fascinating interviews with various customers that in some ways enrich the plot and fascinate viewers but at certain moments, detract from the drama and take away from the overall effect. However, the film is worth a look—fresh, creative and addicting as shopping itself.