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And whether they’re based in fact and presented in the format of a biopic or are derived from legends to create a rousing fictionalized account as evidenced in Ip Man and Iron Monkey respectively, Hong Kong superstar Donnie Yen is no stranger to portraying beloved Chinese icons.
Furthermore, because Yen had already tackled the role of Chen Zhen in the ‘90s TV series Fist of Fury, which in itself was inspired by the Bruce Lee eponymous 1972 martial arts classic
Likewise, though the film begins with a mini-Band of Brothers
Watering down ‘40s Film Noir with the splashy glamour of MGM musicals in an overt stylistic homage to Casablanca
And indeed Lau’s commitment to the period details of ‘20s Shanghai sparkles like a just-polished diamond via the high quality sheen of the couture costumes and the Parisian exterior of the fictitious Casablanca
Yet while we’re distracted by beauty from the start whether it’s in the external perfection of Yen’s terrific action choreography to the gorgeous backdrops, it doesn’t take us too long to realize that the filmmakers were emphasizing looks for a reason since ultimately there’s very little left to touch us in the emotionally cold, overly formulaic, passionless production all-around.
Never quite sure if it wants to be a romance, an action thriller, a flag waving work of patriotic propaganda, a costume drama or a moody espionage Noir, even Yen’s charisma can’t hide the numerous flaws in the poorly structured, overly convoluted script.
Whether it’s inventing crucial subplots as necessary and inserting them into the film way too late for an unconvincing payoff or revealing the true allegiance of some undercover spies way too early, Legend
Obviously out of humanistic sensitivity and for economic reasons, it would’ve been preferable to postpone the release date for a few months. But regardless of how much time goes by, intelligent viewers around the globe are sure to see through the overly silly depiction of foreigners, which detracts rather than enhances Lau’s Legend of the Fist
Although I can’t speak for Yen’s TV series, from a cinematic standpoint, the brilliant Jet Li ’94 vehicle Fist of Legend directed by filmmaker Gordon Chan (who also produced this Legend of the Fist
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FTC Disclosure: Per standard professional practice, I received a review copy of this title in order to evaluate it for my readers, which had no impact whatsoever on whether or not it received a favorable or unfavorable critique.