A small scale betrayal at a Catholic boarding school for boys leads to a large scale catastrophe when set against the backdrop of Nazi-occupied France in Louis Malle’s autobiographical “reinvention of the past,” Au Revoir, Les Enfants
As a helpless child unable to change the course of events or comprehend the complexities of WWII upon discovering that his new friend Jean is in fact one of three Jewish students being hidden in plain sight by priests, the only thing that Malle’s onscreen alter ego Julien can do is watch.
And fittingly, in addition to the film’s emotionally haunting final scene that recreates the tragic moment that “may well have determined [Malle’s] vocation as a filmmaker,” it’s the isolated images of students witnessing events they don’t quite understand while framed by windows, doors and hallways from Au Revoir
Similar to the way that active listening is the most important skill for an aspiring screenwriter to master, the power of observation – particularly with regard to human behavior – is paramount for filmmakers and as Malle proves with Les Enfants
Yet instead of manifesting horror into tattling the way we would when we were little or merely putting away childish things when we came of age, as one of the most acclaimed French auteurs of his era, Louis Malle knew that film was the ideal medium to use for show and tell.
Though it’s first and foremost a tale of friendship, in his deceptively simple 1987 masterpiece Malle sublimated and transformed the events of his childhood into a true work of art.
Subtly addressing the disconnect between the ethical and moral lessons of honesty and the Golden Rule which we’re taught as children vs. the contradictory way the world operates, Au Revoir, Les Enfants
Supervised by cinematographer Renato Berta, Au Revoir
Alongside the inclusion of Chaplin’s 1917 comedic short The Immigrant
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