Now Available on DVD from Lionsgate
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Drawing inspiration from all classic moral tales (both tall and true) including Pinocchio, the legend of George Washington chopping down a cherry tree and more-- Lionsgate releases a dynamite collection of eight episodes from the new CBS Saturday morning update of the '80s classic animated series Care Bears never before offered on DVD.
Of stellar quality-- much like the studio’s previous release Care Bears: Cheer, There & Everywhere-- this disc titled Care Bears: Tell-Tale Tummies places its emphasis on truthfulness.
And although according to the Lionsgate press release the target demographic is young girls ages 2-5, Tell-Tale actually exceeds that audience level. It does so superior storytelling, a better focus than the previous highly entertaining disc as all stories involve a good lesson that can than be discussed between kids and parents as the never-judgmental bears act in various ways that are identifiable from toddlers up through grade school.
Much like its cheerful predecessor-- the upbeat, bubbly animation style makes the colors nearly pop off the screen all the while retaining the full screen (or television shaped) aspect ratio of the series with 2.0 Dolby Digital Audio sound. Likewise, it utilizes the similar concept of Walt Disney Home Entertainment’s "Fast-Play" by giving you the option of viewing the eighty-eight minute disc in a "Kid-Friendly Direct-Play" mode where the episodes move from one to the next without the annoyance of returning you back to a complicated menu.
Whether the episodes center on Cheer Bear's realization that she "cannot tell a lie" after keeping Grumpy's secret involving moving a bumbleberry tree to selfishly feast on the delicious and coveted fruits of Care-a-Lot, or Share's need to confess to breaking one of Grumpy's inventions, or Oopsy's admission that his mistaken act of heroism was really just accidental, or the dangers of exaggeration or even the responsibility of the press when Share and Trueheart become the Care Bear version of gossip columnists-- the animated stories are far more worthwhile than a majority of popular cartoons.
Celebrating the idea of listening to your conscience or having a positive attitude and the realization that if friends are really friends then they'll accept you flaws and all; the disc is highly recommended to parents and those who care for young children.
So therefore, once again with this magenta colored DVD box complete with a hologram cardboard outer cover-- the Care Bears prove why they've been around for so long that the generation who grew up on them in the '80s is now relishing in the opportunity to continue sharing the lessons and heartfelt stories of the bears with their own children in the twenty-first century.