Dear Film Intuition Readers,
This holiday season, send a gift that means an automatic donation to Film Intuition! When you shop at any of over 700 participating online stores through iGive, a portion of each purchase comes back to Film Intuition in the form of a donation check.
Please consider shopping to support this site as it continues to grow in the hopes of becoming a community organization. Likewise, it aspires to offer additional film screenings and community events to schools, libraries, and nursing homes by introducing them to the world of independent, overlooked, and foreign film as well as providing greater content for its worldwide readership including giveaways and contests.
Why shop with iGive? It's free for you, free for us, and you pay the same (or less) than you would by going directly to the store. Shopping online means no wasted gas and no more standing in long lines at the mall. And to all you smart shoppers: don't miss iGive's treasure-trove of coupons, sales, and free shipping.
Save money, save time, and send gifts that give twice.What could be better than that?
Thank you for your consideration, readership, interest, and support.
Jen Johans
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