From the violent visuals of external warfare captured by the lens of cinematographer Robert Richardson to the internal battle raging in a young soldier’s heart and mind that Chris Taylor (Charlie Sheen) recounts in letters to his grandmother – manifesting throughout the film in the form of starkly frank and poetically philosophical voice-over narration – Oliver Stone’s intensely personal Platoon
Oliver Stone finished his tour of duty the same year that John Wayne presented moviegoers with Hollywood’s first Vietnam War picture via 1968’s famously bad right-wing propagandist flag-waver The Green Berets.
And with the intention of distinguishing war fact from Hollywood fiction, Stone penned the earliest version of what would eventually become the semiautobiographical first installment of his Oscar winning Vietnam War trilogy in response to Duke’s debacle.
Originally written with Jim Morrison in mind, the first draft of the script he called Break matched the film’s action to the music of The Doors and although Stone never heard a word from the musician, the screenplay was with the singer in his last hotel room and sent back to Oliver Stone from Paris after Morrison died.
While he would ultimately pay homage to The Doors
Nearly a decade after the war ended and post-Green Berets ‘70s antiwar epics Coming Home
Needless to say, Platoon
Serving up the picture as part of a money-saving two-disc Combo Pack
From the enhanced 3D-like depth perception of foliage in the jungle to the staggered gunfire that shoots out of all five speakers and rumbles through your subwoofer, Platoon
Steeped in authenticity and unflinchingly graphic even to this day, although Platoon
Moreover, the reason that Platoon
Yet as every frame of Platoon
To this end, Platoon
From his obsession with the male-centric struggle for power represented by a “good angel” or a “bad angel” – usually in the form of two dueling father figures – that defined the plot as well as the main character played by Charlie Sheen in Platoon
Of course, movie villains are traditionally far more memorable than their heroic counterparts and in the world of Oliver Stone, this is perhaps best represented by the fact that all the director needed for a Wall Street sequel was his deliciously diabolical “bad angel” Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas).
Yet thanks to Stone’s bold decision to cast Willem Dafoe against-type as Chris’s surrogate father figure, the Christ-like soldier Sergeant Elias – two years before Dafoe would play the son of God in Martin Scorsese’s Last Temptation of Christ
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FTC Disclosure: Per standard professional practice, I received a review copy of this title in order to evaluate it for my readers, which had no impact whatsoever on whether or not it received a favorable or unfavorable critique.