Though Gertrude Stein’s famous line, “there’s no there there,” could certainly apply to the surprisingly sexless Burlesque
A true cinematic showcase centered on writer/director Steven Antin’s muse Christina Aguilera in her acting debut – whereas Chicago
Yet despite the fact that the blonde belter’s opportunity to make a memorable impression as an actress is hampered by Antin’s flat, forgettable and formulaic 42nd Street
And even though the only musical experience that Ali (Aguilera) had ever had was singing along with the jukebox after hours in the small town diner where she waitressed in Iowa, she arrives fresh-faced and fresh off the bus in L.A., eager to be – if not a star – then at least heard by humans instead of hamburgers.
Luckily, once the sweetly tenacious hard-worker proves her loyalty to a formerly glamorous but now near bankrupt modern burlesque club run by Cher’s Tess, Ali gets her chance to shine sooner rather than later.
After picking up a tray and pitching in where help is needed, she quickly rises through the ranks, moving from bar waitress to back-up dancer to headliner when Ali’s vocal gymnastics cause an act of intended sabotage from the club’s requisite bitchy diva (Kristen Bell) to backfire.
Overlooking the obvious critique that the choreography and execution seem less inspired by burlesque than by what would play on MTV (perhaps blended in with a little Fosse
Likewise, since it’s the musical performances that you’ll remember more than anything else, it’s too bad that Antin didn’t opt to make Burlesque
Thus, aside from a precious few triumphant moments such as Cher’s rendition of the Golden Globe winning song
Although we definitely hoped to see more Cher
More benign fluff than "burlesque," the for-fans-only flick is especially worth the upgrade to Blu-ray for Aguilera devotees as the gorgeous high definition visual quality and pitch-perfect sonic clarity of Sony’s transfer nearly blows the roof off your home while turning the fantastical club act to a floor show in your family room.
Special Features Note: Even though Burlesque
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FTC Disclosure: Per standard professional practice, I received a review copy of this title in order to evaluate it for my readers, which had no impact whatsoever on whether or not it received a favorable or unfavorable critique.