
TV on DVD: Care Bears: Share-a-Lot in Care-a-Lot

Now Available to Own

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Even though it turns out that the Care Bears have their own version of April Fool's Day with “Surprise Day,” apparently they don't have the equivalent of Netflix since Grizzle learns the hard way and without the assistance of Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey that sometimes machines can turn against man... or bear even when it isn't Surprise Day.

Kicked out of his evil hench-bear lair by a computerized robot that he's programmed to smash Care-a-Lot, Grizzle discovers that although he feels caring is a “big fat waste of time,” after a game of hide-and-seek with the Bears, it doesn't seem quite as bad as he assumed it would be.

Sure enough, Grizzle soon goes back to his old ways in the seven remaining episodes of this eight installment DVD. Share-a-Lot in Care-a-Lot follows Lionsgate's other stellar releases in the Care Bear family with a collection of episodes that are slightly stranger than the ones featured in other discs.

This time around, bears float, Bedtime oozes throughout the community, clouds speed up time and the self-involved human sidekick McKenna arrives in desperate need of a personality makeover. Yet while the storylines in this edition are a bit more fantastic and therefore somewhat repetitive by comparison, it's still a whole lot of colorful fun.

Additionally and par for the course, the series discs are also a great way to introduce your preschoolers to the pleasures of caring and sharing in understanding why it's always better to make someone else's day rather than exclude them by only thinking of one's self... and of course, to think twice before building a robot capable of artificial intelligence.

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