While the early onscreen declaration in Bambi
Likewise, as opposed to the heightened storybook palette used in some of Disney’s brighter works that focused on royal beauties whether asleep
An understated and unabashedly sensitive coming-of-age tale, Bambi
Yet unlike the epic approach utilized in the Hamlet
Likewise, particularly because animated films are aimed at children and the trauma experienced by Bambi is one of those childhood rites-of-passage most of us still discuss today, ultimately it’s the tragic loss of a parent we remember most. However, when viewing it again today, it’s obvious that our visceral memory of the sequence in question is worse than it actually is due to the restraint and care taken by director David Hand and producer Walt Disney in minimizing how much we see to make it even more emotionally powerful.
As the studio’s only release during World War II, Bambi
And thanks to a painstaking digital restoration that preserved every frame of the original ’42 effort in stunning visual and audible high definition clarity, we can now experience Bambi
In addition to unveiling the company’s brand new “Disney Second Screen” application that gives you the opportunity to view with film in a variety of ways with the addition of an extra screen on another device, the Diamond Edition features a treasure trove of bonus features that take you behind the scenes to discover how the film was made from storyboard to final illustration.
A deceptively simplistic yet poetic representation of life divided into verse-like seasons, the irreplaceable and unforgettable Bambi
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FTC Disclosure: Per standard professional practice, I received a review copy of this title in order to evaluate it for my readers, which had no impact whatsoever on whether or not it received a favorable or unfavorable critique.