By Jen Johans. Over 2,500 Film, Streaming, Blu-ray, DVD, Book, and Soundtrack Reviews. Part of
Film Intuition Site News: Calling All Readers & Social Networkers
Dear Readers,
Do you have a Facebook profile? A MySpace page? A Blog or Blogroll? Do you Twitter? Are you LinkedIn? Use StumbledUpon, Technoarati, Digg, Reddit, Delicious, YahooBuzz, or any of the dozens of other social networking sites?
If so, it would be greatly appreciated if you could show your support for Film Intuition by linking to, voting for, sharing, or buzzing up the Home Page, Review Database, The Trailer and Photo Gallery, or any particular article or review that you like.
Every page is equipped with the “Share” tool (see below) that lets you choose your social networking platform to link to a review, trailer, video clip, article, etc.
As the site continues to grow--podcasting, merchandising, contests, interviews, and surveys will be offered. But to help keep the site’s traffic rank increase beyond the loyal readership and ensure it's still vital I’m turning to you guys to help as I embark on a grassroots marketing campaign.
After 2.5 years of online life, we’ve now officially become a registered LLC Arizona Corporation in the hopes of expanding and adding on more exciting opportunities like film screenings, bringing filmmakers out here directly, showing works to schools and nursing homes etc. So to this end, my 24/7 all-consuming gig needs the help and interest of friends, colleagues, and readers like you.
As of this e-mail, I’ve only joined a few and as I’m usually so busy working on the site itself I don’t have enough time to keep the marketing going by joining all of the interactive communities available nor am I tech-savvy enough to get the most out of it.
So if you’re a member of any groups, please consider helping to spread the word about the site or just a story you enjoy with a link or a mention of the site by name and web address.
Likewise, you could simply help the effort by making Film Intuition (or any of its sub-domains including the most popular destination-- the Review Database) your Home Page, encouraging others to do the same, shopping through our retailers for business or personal needs (including getting all of your advance summer movie tickets directly from Fandango to avoid lines and sell-outs), joining iGive to help support the site for free every time you search the web, or simply by telling a friend about FilmIntuition.Com.
Moreover, please remember there's an "e-mail this" post option available on every single article in the Review Database, Jen's P.O.V. Page, Trailer & Photo Gallery, and Video Screening Room.
I can’t even begin to tell you how much your support means to me but it means double that to the independent and global film and arts community, marketing firms, and those involved in the process as I’m able to now answer reader mail from around the globe (since the site is available in more than 3 dozen languages), check out obscure titles by new and upcoming filmmakers, interact regularly with those involved with the films themselves, and help champion works that get overlooked by the mainstream press.
Needless to say, this only matters and is possible because of your support, your readership, and your continued interest. Thanks again and please feel free to pass this along to friends, family, and/or interested movie lovers.